Saturday, March 21, 2015

ADNUHS Batch 1991 acquires legal personhood

      March 19, 2015 marks the birth of the Ateneo de Naga High School Batch 1991, Inc. as a juridical person after its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws were duly approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission upon its issuance to the association on even date of a Certificate of Incorporation.

       The change in status from a mere association to a body corporate came twenty-four years after majority its members graduated in 1991 and 652 days before they celebrate their silver jubilee on December 30, 2016. Such was after two and a half months after the new set of officers for 2015 headed by its President, Alberto Bercasio, first met in January 10, 2015 to finally push for the works on the incorporation of the association which was initiated in the February 11, 2013 meeting and even in the years prior. Thus, after a series of meetings and behind-the-scene works to draft, print, review, revise, present for ratification, final drafting and signing, the association’s AI & BL were then approved for registration by the SEC Legazpi Extension Office.

      The Ateneo de Naga High School Batch 1991, Inc. (ADNHS91), is registered as a non-stock corporation classified under the industry type of alumni association. As a non-stock corporation, no part of its income is distributable as dividends to its members, trustees, or officers and any profit which it may obtain as an incident to its operations shall, whenever necessary or proper, be used for the furtherance of the purposes for which it was organized, i.e., primarily, to provide a forum that will promote the interests and welfare of the association members and an avenue where they can bring into fruition their ingrained ideal as men for others. 

      Having been incorporated, it is invested by law with a personality separate and distinct from its incorporators, trustees, officers and members, and may act only through its board of trustees or, when authorized by its by-laws or board resolution, through its officers or agents in the normal course of business.

      The corporation’s incorporators are Alberto Bercasio, Ricky Villamora, Vincent Aunisin, Justine Francis Barja, Francisco Perfecto Clarete and Oliver Olivo.

      Composing the first set of the corporation’s 14-member Board of Trustees are the following: Alberto Bercasio, Ricky Villamora, Vincent Aunisin, Justine Francis Barja, Francisco Perfecto Clarete, Oliver Olivo, Ferdinand Jamer, Romeo Rey Vidola, Jr., Noel Betito, Jacob Disuanco, Mark Christian Angeles, Richmond Canlas, Jose Gil Aguilar and Renee Absalon Abiada.

      Pursuant to its by-laws, members of the association include not only those who graduated from Ateneo de Naga High School in 1991 but also those who had been their classmates for at least one year from June 1987 when they first enrolled at the Ateneo. Read Membership FAQs for more information on membership.

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